How to Find a Profitable Blog Niche that Will Make You Money
Updated: November 13, 2020Thinking of starting a blog and you're struggling with deciding on a blog niche?
What should you write about? Which are the most lucrative blogs? What are the most profitable blog niches?
Let's be real here. You probably want to make money with your blog.
So you don't want to blindly throw yourself in a random blog niche just to find out you can't monetize it.
If you're not thinking about making money with your blog and you just want to write about what you feel like writing, then there's no need to decide on a specific niche. Let your passion wild and create awesome content.
But for you, business starters, I'll go through the process of choosing a profitable blog niche. By the end of this post, you should be ready to decide what blogging niche fits you best.
What's a niche in blogging?
Simply put, choosing a niche for your blog means focusing on a single topic overall. A niche blog has a general theme and all the posts cover the different aspects of that subject.
Contrary to a multi-niched blog which doesn't focus on a specific topic. On a multi-niche blog, you can find different subjects. Most common such blogs are lifestyle blogs where you can find posts from home solutions, to fashion, health, and pets.
A blog can be niched down based on various factors:
- The audience age group (teens, young adults, adults, elderly, millennials)
- The audience social situation (dads, single moms, entrepreneurs)
- Industry (marketing, writing, fitness, manufacturing)
- Products (gadgets, furniture, clothes, books)
- Services (blogging, web developing, freelancing, coaching)
A blog niche is usually something broad
An example would be the health niche. It targets health topics while still containing a variety of different subjects.
But it can be broken down into more sub-niches. In the health niche, some examples of sub-niches are: weight loss, diets, yoga, fitness.
These can also be targeted to specific audience groups like: yoga for beginners or yoga for back pain, weight loss for computer geeks, keto diet or low carb diet.
Take as an example the Curvyyoga blog. It's in the yoga niche, yet it doesn't speak generally but targets a certain audience – curvy people.
Screenshot of Curvyyoga blog
When you break down the niche to a specific audience, you can create more personal and relatable content focusing on specific problems.
For example, while a young person interested in the health topic might look for how to build muscles, an elderly person might look for tips to improve flexibility and get rid of the pain. They have different problems needing different solutions.
Why choose a blogging niche?
Some years ago it was easier to get your blog noticed because it was way easier to rank your posts on Google with little effort.
Keywords density used to play a huge role in ranking and all you needed to do was to use your main keyword multiple times through the post and bam – you rank (well, with a couple more tweaks, but the destiny was highly important).
Nowadays, things are not that easy anymore.
If you want to rank your posts, you need to convince Google your posts deserve to rank with more than having keywords sprinkled through the post.
Google needs to know that you cover a certain topic in more depth bringing real value to your readers.
This is achieved by having lengthy posts (above 1500 words) where the context suggests you cover many aspects of the topic. And through links. Internal links to your other posts and those for outside resources.
Image source: Backlinko
Internal relevant links are important because they show your blog is resourceful on the topic, and Google likes that.
With a blog niche all your posts will be related, hence you'll be able to interlink your posts each time you come up with new content.
Another thing would be the backlinks coming from related websites.
It's easier to gain backlinks to a niche blog. If you're covering different topics from food, fashion, to personal thoughts, other bloggers might not want to send their readers to a resource that's not focused on their specific area of interest.
So no mixed topics?
While the best practice is to have a blog niche because, in most cases, that's the most profitable approach, it doesn't mean you aren't able to successfully work around it.
The key is to promote it properly and to expose it to the right audience.
Let's take as an example the topics I mentioned earlier. A blog about food, fashion, and personal thoughts.
If this would be a multi-niche blog called something like “TheEverythingBlog”, you might not see many visitors jumping on your content. Who might be interested in topics about food might not be interested to know about your thoughts or fashion.
Some will subscribe to your email list because they enjoyed your blog posts about trends in fashion. But will walk away after receiving emails about blog posts on food.
Still, you can niche it down to a specific audience.
Let's say, for example, you're a mom working from home trying to keep up with the multitude of tasks you have to take care of.
You find brilliant ways to save time or money on cooking and feed your fashion passion. Also, you like to share your thoughts about your experience so other moms can relate to it.
You can build a successful blog covering all these topics if you target a specific audience: busy moms with interest in cooking and fashion.
The key is to have a specific audience you build your blog for.
Advantages of having a blog niche
1. You build a sustainable audience
Usually, people come to a blog and become avid readers because they are interested in the topic that blog covers. A specific topic.
If you're all over the place with your blog posts, people that come across your blog once and enjoy a piece of content might not return.
Say they liked your “How to organize your tasks” post and subscribed. Then, you send them an email promoting “How to build a playground for your cat” blog post. What will happen? You'll lose them because you don't offer solutions for their area of interest.
If you focus on a single niche, you have the opportunity to build a loyal audience.
The readers who read all your blog posts and open up all your emails are the most valuable. They are the ones you want to keep close and satisfied.
An example would be the Social Media Examiner blog. They write insightful posts about social media marketing. Hence, those interested in the topic know to come to their blog for everything social. They subscribe, are active and returning readers, share the content, and trust the brand.
Screenshot of the Social Media Examiner blog
2. You gain authority in the niche
Because you'll be writing a lot about the niche in your blog posts, you'll get to master it even if you knew nothing about the topic in the beginning.
If you have knowledge in the niche you choose, you'll gain even more wisdom. If you pick a niche because you want to learn more about the topic, you will. And big time.
The more you focus on the same topic, the better you'll be at it.
And your viewers will sense that.
A blog niche sets you as an expert in the niche. Which should be on your business plan. Authority and being seen as an expert in your niche will bring more attention to your blog through mentions, shares, backlinks.
You gain credibility which is invaluable.
3. It's easier to plan and create content
Coming up with content ideas for your blog is not always easy. You'll experience writer's blocks and you'll be out of fresh ideas sometimes.
It may seem that covering more topics gives you more freedom to chose what to write about. Because there are more topics, there should be more ideas, right?
Well, not necessary.
When you are able to choose from more topics you may find yourself overwhelmed without knowing where to start looking for ideas.
On the other hand, a niche blog it makes it easier to find out topics to cover.
Besides having a clear idea about the direction of your blog, you'll also have the opportunity to inspire yourself from older posts. Because they are all on the same theme, you can analyze the results of older posts and decide your next moves based on data.
You'll also have an audience interested in that specific topic and a goldmine of content ideas. If your audience is engaging, leaving comments, giving feedback, you'll find blog posts ideas in their content.
Extra advantage: The more you write about that topic, the easier it will be for you to write your blog posts.
4. Monetization will come easier
It's true that any blog can be monetized through AdSense or affiliate links. But this doesn't mean there aren't niches that make more money than others.
Also, you might want not to limit yourself only to these ways of monetizing a blog.
Monetizing through AdSense might bring in some bucks but your blog can also have more to suffer than to gain. Ads might draw people away from your blog.
With a niche blog, you open yourself to the possibility of making money with your blog with the most profitable approach – through your own products.
Maybe you're not ready yet to create your own products to offer. But it doesn't mean you shouldn't be thinking about your blog plan in the long run.
After all, your blog is not just a hobby, it's a business. And you should take your decisions accordingly.
How to find your niche in blogging
What I want to mention is if you start a blog from pure passion without caring about monetizing it, then you should just skip these points.
Just write your best and rock that blog!
For those looking to make money with a blog, here are the best practices to find a profitable niche.
1. What are you passionate about?
Is it crucial to have passion towards your blog niche? No.
Is it advised? Yes.
It's better to be passionate about the niche you're blogging about.
Even though the sole purpose of you starting a blog is to make money blogging, you still shouldn't oversee how interested you are in the topic you chose to blog about.
It doesn't need to be your most fiery passion, but it's best to enjoy what you write about.
Just think about it.
You'll be writing a lot about the same topic. At least one time a week. So it can get boring pretty fast if you don't enjoy the topic at all.
Boringness means a decline in the blog posts' quality and a drop in motivation.
The more interested you are in the topic, the more curious and eager you'll be to find the best resources for information and improve your knowledge about the subject.
- Consider niches you're already familiar with. You don't have to be an expert, just to have something to start with.
- Also consider topics you would like to learn about. This gives you the advantage of building new skills while also coming up with blog content.
If you have trouble deciding, you can ask yourself some questions:
- What do you do in your spare time? What hobbies do you have?
- On what topics you like engaging in conversations?
- What do you read a lot about?
- What skills would you like to improve or get on learning?
- On which topics are you more knowledgeable than people around you?
Make a list of everything, then pass each of them through the following points.
If all your passions fall into the “not profitable” category, find something profitable that you can teach yourself to be passionate about.
Money can be a great motivation for liking something. If you can generate passion, then you can go on with any topic that's profitable.
2. How much do you know about the topic?
It's true that you can learn things down the way. And you will. But you need to have something to get started with.
How much you need to know in the beginning depends on the blog niche you choose.
There are topics where you're able to write resourceful and qualitative content if you do your research right.
But in some cases, you can't pose yourself as a teacher in the topic if you don't have your own experience behind. Readers won't believe your expertise. And you need credibility.
One good example is the how to make blogging niche. You can't go on starting a blog teaching people how to make money blogging if it's your first blog and you have no experience. Yes, you could technically do it but – will it be successful? Will it bring YOU money?
3. Are you going to solve problems?
All people want are answers to their problems. They are stepping into the online world because they are looking for solutions.
To build a successful blog, you need to address your audience's problems and give them solutions.
Profitable blog niches target popular topics where people are looking for solutions.
Do they want to lose weight?
Are they looking to solve problems in their homes?
Will you be offering solutions to the problems they are struggling with?
To know what problems people in your chosen niche are struggling with, you need to make a market research. You can look for forums in your niche and read through the threads.
Also, there are three easy and effective ways to find who your audience is and what are the common problems need solving.
Quora is an amazing place to look for problems people are struggling with. If you search for your niche, you'll get tons of questions on the topic. Real people asking for solutions to common problems.
Screenshot of Quora questions
Reddit is a platform where people build communities around a specific topic. Look for subreddits in your niche and start reading the threads. The engagement between users is higher here than on Quora.
Screenshot of Reddit questions
Facebook Groups
Facebook groups are becoming more and more popular because they help so much with building an audience for your business. There are groups about almost anything you can think of. And people in Facebook groups are having conversations, exchanging ideas, asking for solutions.
Example of Facebook group post
We curated the best Facebook groups for marketing, bloggers, and startups.
And we also made a list of groups for design enthusiasts.
4. Looking for gaps
In order for your niche blog to differentiate itself from the competitors, you need to come up with a fresh approach and improve the value of the information.
The easiest way to provide better information is to analyze what other bloggers and content creators are doing and spot what they are missing.
Search through comments. Comments are a gold mine of insights about what people want to get from a creator.
If people are left with questions after reading a blog post or watching a video, it means there's a demand for extra information.
Can you provide the missing pieces?
5. Think about where you want to promote it
You'll have to promote your blog on social media for the best results.
You can't rely solely on Google traffic. Not to say, it takes time to see your blog posts ranking on Google.
For faster results, building a social media presence for your blog is a must.
The easiest way to bring traffic to your blog is by mastering Pinterest marketing.
Pinterest can be an insane source of traffic when done right. Especially if your content is relatable to women because 70% of Pinterest users are women.
If you want to grow your blog fast and start making money as quick as possible, consider a niche that can be easily marketed on Pinterest.
Explore trending topics on Pinterest and see what kinds of pins are doing best.
Pinterest Explore trending topics feature
6. How will you monetize your blog?
It's important to know if the niche you pick is going to make you money.
If you want to make money with your blog through affiliate marketing, for example, you should make a market research and see what opportunities you have in your specific niche.
Are there products you can recommend to your audience that have affiliates programs?
For affiliate marketing, you can take a look through the Amazon marketplace. Search for your niche and see if the products in that niche are in demand and selling.
Amazon products categories
If you want to come up with your own digital products in a certain niche, is there any demand for related digital products?
Quora, Reddit, and Facebook groups can give you answers on this matter also.
7. Refine it
Targeting a broad niche is not the ideal way to go.
Imagine how much competition is on any given broad topic.
For example, let's say you want to start a blog about yoga.
Just a little search on Google for the word “yoga” will reveal how much content is out there covering this topic.
You want something to ace. Not a niche that'll keep your blog buried somewhere on the internet between other millions of blogs.
Instead of going broad, find a specific audience for your topic.
There are all kinds of people looking to get into yoga. And they all have different problems need solving. They could be after a surgery, they might have back problems, troubles with their legs, or even psychological problems.
Address your solutions to a specific audience and you'll have more chances of exposing your blog.
Google can help with this as well. Scroll down to the bottom of the results page and you'll see suggestions of search queries people are actually searching for in Google.
8. Is it a profitable niche?
Not all blog niches are the same.
For some niches, there aren't many products you can promote through your blog.
Most profitable blog niches hold an audience looking to buy products to aid with their problems.
Are people looking to buy products in the niche you're thinking about? They can be physical or digital products.
If people are not willing to pay for something related to your blog, you won't have many opportunities to monetize your niche blog.
Look at other bloggers in the niche and see how and if they are making money.
You can start by searching through this library of interviews with bloggers. You'll find bloggers in various niches with different levels of income talking about their ways of monetizing their blogs and about their journey.
There are a couple of blog niches that make money. And while there's high competition on them, the demand is also high and rising.
The most profitable blogging niches
- How to make money online
- Finances
- Beauty and fashion
- Health and fitness
- Personal development
- Blogging
- Food
Tools to test the strength of your blog niche
I'll give you a couple of tools you can use when you are trying to decide your blog niche.
Google Trends
Google Trends is the first place where you want to input your niche so you can see what the demand looks like over a period of time.
You don't want to get into a niche that's seasonal or in which people seem to lose interest over time. A niche in which peoples' interest decreases is not a blog niche that makes money.
For example, let's look at how the niche “yoga” is doing.
Google Trends graphic showing how popular a blog niche is over time
As you can see, the searches on yoga have been consistent over the last 5 years. This is what you're looking for – consistency or increase in demand.
When you add a topic in the Buzzsumo bar, it will give you the most popular posts on that specific topic.
You can filter the results to show the most popular posts on a certain social media platform.
In this example, I filtered the results to display the most shared content on Pinterest.
This will give you an idea of what types of content in a certain blog niche receive the best engagement.
Google Keyword Planner
Although the main purpose of Google Keyword Planner is to help marketers build Ads campaigns, it can also be a great tool for bloggers.
If you take a keyword related to your niche and add it in the tool, you'll get tons of related keywords along with their search volume and competition.
Google Keyword Planner gives you ideas on sub-niches you can target along with their popularity.
If you don't have an active ads campaign you'll only see intervals of the search volume. Even so, it's enough for you to decide if the topic is searched for or not.
Mind that just because a niche is searched for doesn't assure that's also the best blog niche to make money on. You must also analyze the traits I mentioned above.
There are niches where people are only looking for information without being keen to pay for something. You must find a blog niche where people are also willing to invest in solutions.
Does a profitable blogging niche guarantee success?
Nobody can guarantee you'll be successful regardless of what blogging niche you decide on.
People can give you advice on what niche to choose. You can analyze how different blog niches evolve in terms of success. You can (and should) consider the best practices before deciding and consider the most profitable blog niches.
But there's no guarantee.
Just because the most profitable blog niches I mentioned before are the easiest to get into to make money, it doesn't mean that any blogger will be successful at it.
All that matters is how qualitative your content is, how much time you invest into coming out with content and improving your blog.
You can make money with any niche blog if you learn how to spot the problems of a specific audience and come up with solutions. If you offer people help, they will come to you.
So in the end, it's up to you and how hard you're willing to work for success. And most importantly, how SMART you'll work towards growing a successful blog.
Remember, a blog is a business. Treat it like one.
One last word on choosing a blog niche
If you can't decide on a blog niche right now because you have more topics you'd like to write about, start by mixing them up in the beginning.
After a while, you'll see which of them is bringing in more traffic to your blog and what your audience wants to see from you. You may even find that most of your traffic comes from an audience you're not expecting.
So don't feel afraid to experiment if you're undecided.
While it's profitable to niche down your blog, it doesn't mean it's wrong to experiment.
The crucial thing is to get your blog started.
You'll learn what's the best blog niche to make money with after you come up with content and get some data to draw conclusions on.
Are you ready to decide your blogging niche?
Just take action. Nothing will happen until you get started.