46 Facebook Groups Engagement Ideas
Updated: November 13, 2020So you've created a Facebook Group and you added a few members. But now you want some Facebook groups engagement ideas because your new group needs so
So you've created a Facebook Group and you added a few members. But now you want some Facebook groups engagement ideas because your new group needs some activity to keep growing. It is the most important part of having a Facebook Group as people won't join if they will not find something useful, and if they won't see a Facebook Group active and engaged.
What does engaged mean on Facebook?
I wrote the question in this way because it doesn't matter if we are talking about Facebook Pages engagement, Facebook Personal Pages engagement or Facebook Groups engagement – it is all the same.
Engaged followers or members are the users that do the following three actions:
- react to a post;
- share a post;
- comment on a post.
It is a basic Facebook knowledge.
Now an engagement post on Facebook means that a post has been created with a clear objective of engaging people. It's not that hard, right? The trickier part comes when you need ideas of engagement. Because you can't just think of random things to post on Facebook.
The Benefits of Posting to Facebook Groups*
*I'm referring to engagement group posts
I'm thinking of this questions: how to increase engagement in Facebook Groups and what leads to a better engagement in Facebook Groups?
As I mentioned in the previous articles (find them here, here and here), having a niche Facebook Group really helps communication. Why? Because there will be only people genuinely interested in your group theme. They will want to talk about their ideas, share their stories, ask questions. This should/would happen naturally, but sometimes they need some help. This is where you, the admin, intervene.
As an admin, you should be there for your members, help them if they need it, and make them feel comfortable in your group. You should create some engagement for your members, in order to keep the group growing.
Another benefit is that people will genuinely want to share your group with their friends or acquaintances. Your group will have new members that will integrate quickly. And your niche will stay a niche.
Having engaged members is also great if you are selling something. People usually don't like to be persuaded to buy something. It will be better to:
- offer your members some quality content;
- engage your members in various other posts that don't tell them to buy;
- help your members when they need;
- be a part of your group, not just the admin or the seller.
Your members will gain confidence and will trust you. Therefore you won't need to clearly sell your product. Your actions above and your good content will sell your product.
Almost everyone says that an engaged Facebook community is THE way to have success in sales.
Creating Engagement Posts
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The most important things you should consider are:
- the theme of your group;
- your audience in terms of what they like, how they act/react, how they behave.
If your group is about cats, don't just start creating posts about dogs. It will definitely not work, or it will work in an opposite way. When you want to create some serious posts, try to keep the subject of your group.
Of course, you can think about general posts, that can be used whenever you want. They can be fun, stories, questions, and so on. I'll give some specific examples further on.
In terms of your audience, you must accept that you won't be able to please everybody. If a post creates some negative impact, be calm, and try to find out why your members didn't like it. After this, apologize and try to make-up.
Besides, you should have an eagle eye. Always read their comments, see what they react to, note how they behave. See this whenever a member posts something, or whenever you do. Experiment a little, and analyze the results. You'll see that you'll get better, and your future engagement posts will be much better.
How to Use Engagement Posts in Groups?
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Here is the fun part. We've all been sometimes stuck regarding something. You're now stuck on ideas for Facebook groups, that's why you are avidly searching for post ideas.
I said before that you should consider your audience's behavior and your group's theme. Regarding the theme, these next Facebook groups engagement ideas are general ones, that can be used to most of the types of groups. You'll only have to pick the ones that suit your audience. And if you pick one Facebook post idea that don't perform well, then it is safe to say you've experimented. You should definitely try again.
It can be a good idea to make use of every single day of the week and create a hashtag for it. For example, #motivationalThursday.
Use whatever main topic below to organize the group's engagement posts for the week.
I'll give you an idea of how your weekly engagement group posts should be. Remember that it is only a suggestion! Feel free to post whatever engagement posts you want, and feel free to adapt them to your niche.
Just be active every day, create some kind of routine for a few weeks or months, and you'll see that your member will begin to engage more and more. And, most importantly, they'll see that you care about them, not only about selling your product. Trusting you and trusting your content is a great help, maybe the best, in having your products sold.
Use hashtags for every type of engagement post, so that your members will find them easily.
After this small week posts organization, you'll find 45 ideas for Facebook Group engagement posts.
Monday Engagement Posts
Almost everybody writes motivational Monday quotes, but why not be different? I mean I know there can be some sadness and some “oh, not again” situations, but the weekend just passed. Help your members have a big smile right from the beginning of the week.
Do a Monday Funday engagement post, and help your members to overcome the sadness that happens at the start of the week. Yes, if you'll work in a domain you'll love, you shouldn't have these feelings. At least not very often. But let's suppose that these kinds of days exist.
You can post whatever you want from jokes to funny selfies. You'll see that you'll grow posts engagement, and maybe you'll be the one that will help people be productive during the week.
Tuesday Group Engagement Ideas
The fun day has passed, the ice has been broken. Now your members will feel more comfortable sharing things, situations or simply facts about them.
That is why you can use Tuesday as a “get to know each other” day. Think that posting engagement content like this makes you able to find a lot of things about your members. You will find valuable knowledge about them, that will help you personalize the content, and improve your Facebook marketing strategy.
Wednesday Facebook Posts Ideas
This is day half weekday. Some people may be tired by now, that is why you should totally post some motivational Wednesday engagement posts.
Be there for you members, help them by giving some extra energy for the rest of the week. Engage them by challenging them to write anything that is motivational.
Thursday Engagement Posts Ideas
The Throw Back trend is a great option for your group engagement posts. So why not combine it with Thursday, and be even more trendy?
This type of Facebook engagement post can be both funny and serious. Anything from a cool song from the year your members were born in, to an inspirational person from their childhood can be a fantastic way to increase engagement in Facebook groups.
Friday Facebook Posts Ideas
With the weekend just around the corner, you can use Friday as a Sharing is Caring day. People will love to engage in posts that make them share what they know about something. It can be a great city-break tip, a great book they read or they plan to read, some good recipes they found online, and many, many more.
Giving the fact that it will be a Friday engagement post, your members can try over the weekend many of the shared ideas, advice, and tips.
You can even extend this thread to Saturday or Sunday, and ask people if they tried some idea presented by their group colleagues.
Saturday Engagement Posts
It's been a long week. Why shouldn't you start the day with some ways of relaxation? Everybody can share their plans over the weekend, share a photo of where they are right at that moment, or share the ways they relax.
Also, you can extend this idea of Facebook engagement post and tell people to post some selfies as a reply to the idea they liked the most. In that way, the person who posted the idea will see if there is anybody that took their advice, and is using that way of relaxation.
Sunday Posts Ideas
Your group welcomed new members throughout the week. That is why you should use Sunday as a welcoming day for your new members. They'll be able to take part of the group's engagement posts right after this day. What does this mean for you? It means that you'll have new members engaged quickly.
Facebook Group Engagement Posts
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Here we are! You can inspire from this posts, and you can use them however you like, and according to your groups topic/type.
Fun group posts ideas
- Name a thing that starts with a specific letter – Think of whatever type of things, and engage members by telling them to write a thing that starts with a letter of your choice. For example, “name a brand that starts with the letter “c”;
- How is your Friday night – Some people go out, some stay at home. Tell your members to describe their Friday Night (or whatever other days) in a single gif, or using a small number of emojis or words;
- What's your Stage Name? – Create an image where you add words (nouns, adjective, adverbs etc.) from the same domain. Use the alphabet to write one word next to each letter. Of course, you can think of some other Name that your member can create;
- Tell your favorite TV show using emojis – It's a pretty simple thing, but it will definitely use your members' creativity. You can ask them to write in this way their favorite song, favorite movie, or anything else;
- Hit “paste” in the comments – Dare your member to hit Paste in the comments, and be amused about whatever comes up in the comments;
- Describe your profession – Emojis can be used for almost everything, including describing your job. Your members can also describe what they are doing for a living in a fun, unexpected way. Again, mingle with their creativity!
- Share the silliest Snapchat or Instagram filter – Almost everyone uses a fun filter at some point, so why not share that selfie with others? It can be really fun;
- What's your favorite emoji and why do you use it? – Again emojis, but they are so versatile. Many users think that a certain emoji is used for something completely different than what it was created for. Find out their uses!
- Create a sentence using your name letters – First name or last name, engage your members by challenging them to create a sentence using all of their name's letters;
- Share the funniest joke you know – Have a laugh, and read whatever cracks up your members!
Throwback Thursday Group Posts Ideas
- Share a photo/headline/song from the year you were born – A great way to dive into the past, and maybe later discuss some things that came up;
- Share a book you read some years ago – Whatever time span suits you, use it and find out about some old books that your members read;
- Who inspired you in your childhood and why? – Go down the memory lane, and touch you members feelings, by asking them about this type of question. Of course, you can bring up any part of their lives.
Get to know each other Facebook Group Engagement ideas
- Share your favorite place you've been – Find one of the things they like, by asking them a simple question;
- Where do you live? Share photos – They don't have to tell the group exactly where they live, but they can share some photos of their city;
- Share a photo from your window right now – Maybe your group has members that are in different time zones, so this would be pretty interesting to watch;
- Favorite food or dish – Who doesn't have that? Maybe the other members will find some inspiration, too. And having members from different countries can also help the level of “interestingness”;
- Favorite person and why? – It can be a celebrity, a family member, a colleague. It is a good engagement post for touching some feelings;
- Rainy or Sunny days activities – Everyone can find some inspiration from this engagement post!
- The first thing you do in the morning – Some of your members have routines that can benefit others. Have them share this!
- How do you relax? – One may be sleeping, one may be cooking, or one didn't find the perfect way to relax. This post will certainly help him find some inspiration;
- You can't live without… – Engage your group members by making them complete this sentence. It will be pretty interesting to find the things they can't live without. Will it be their phones?
- Your favorite activity from when you were a child – This will help people see how generations have changed because your group will have members of different ages;
- Last TV show you watched – Another great inspiration for the other members;
- Welcome new members – Let them add in the comments something funny/interesting about them or just something they are proud about;
- What did you cook today? – Food is life, so why not droll at some pictures of recipes?
- Name the topic you enjoyed the most writing about – Every content writer has its own favorite subject, and this Facebook engagement post is great to find some ideas, and discuss more about them;
- Name the topic you wanted to write about, but never did – This post can engage other members – they offer some feedback about the topic, some other ideas, and the writer can gain trust to write.
Sharing is caring Engagement posts ideas
- Best book – One day you can ask for the best personal development group, one day you can ask about the best fictional book they've read. This engagement group post can create a great “reading club”!
- Best tool or best app – We all have that one (or many) app(s) that we find extremely useful or fun. But maybe not everyone heard about it, so let your members share theirs!
- Vacation Tips – Travelling is really easy these days, and everyone could use some tips about a place, a city, a booking method and so on;
- Where to buy a specific product – Let your members share a product they people search for but didn't find it. Or maybe let them share some online discounts;
- New product you found and love – Now and then people find products that they wish to tell everyone about, so give them this chance;
- Share a lifehack – These can really engage your group as they are useful for everyone;
- Tips about something – It is a bit similar to a life hack, but this engagement post involves tips about everything from an object, to a country;
- Motivational or inspirational quotes – you can find out what gives your members strength to carry on;
- Thankful for…? – You can ask your members to write something they are thankful for in that certain day, or in general;
- 3 things you use when you are on vacation, traveling, in the morning etc. – Another great tips&tricks engagement post that people will love;
- Best Instagram/Facebook/Twitter account for pics, food, travel, fashion etc. – Inspiration is a key to life, so everyone must have a favorite account they watch for a specific thing;
- What's your favorite vlogger? – You can divide this engagement post idea in several topics. Ask your members to tell about their favorite YouTube vloggers in different YouTube domains: learning, coding, fashion, mack-up etc.
- Why should we visit your city – Let your members be advocates of their city, and share their best thoughts on this;
- The best idea you heard this week/month/day – People hear a lot of things during a certain period of time, and maybe this time they heard something really worth sharing;
- A great design they found recently/in their lifetime – This is a post that fits more a Facebook Design group, or something similar. It can be used as a Welcome type of post in this kind of group.
Motivational Facebook Group Engagement ideas
- What keeps you from starting/doing something – Help them by pushing them to think and share why they are not doing something? Maybe other members will help them;
- A topic you want to know more about – Engage your members by pushing them to admit that they want to know some more about a topic;
- What mistakes they did – Everyone must learn from other's mistakes, so why not help your members share theirs?
You can also start discussing and engaging your members with a different subject you or they read about. Maybe they read an article and they want to find more opinions on that. Or they read in a book about a specific situation.
Nonetheless, keep your Facebook Group marketing at a high level by engaging with your members every day!
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